
It isn't that hard. People who act irrationally aren't behaving randomly. Generally ( I really want to say always) they are making decisions using their gut and emotions rather than rational thought. Hence why they are acting irrationally.

The Fermi paradox, basically. Either life is very rare, or they should be here by now. As to why life is rare, there's a lot of options, but the earth being a rare gem that supports life is one of the more reasonable ones.

The Fermi paradox, basically. Either life is very rare, or they should be here by now. As to why life is rare, there's a lot of options, but the earth being a rare gem that supports life is one of the more reasonable ones.

That sounds pretty cool. I've never looked in to it.

Well yeah. But the proposed solution was basically to have the government run it, but pay some middleman as manager.

It is sad to equate the two. Unfortunately, you are the one who did so, not I.

Floods and earthquakes are in no way necessary. If god is all powerful he can do whatever he wants.

Babies catch AIDS from their mothers. You also didn't mention how getting bitten by mosquitos or being born with autism is a choice.

At the risk of sounding like a fanboy, I've been able to do half of these since 4.0 on samsung devices.

Removeable battery or not, you can turn off your phone while it is on the lock screen.

Here's an idea for a government program (if we're going to have one) to help this problem: lets subsidize the insulin-manufacturing equipment for the generic drug companies, if they agree to produce those "trailing-edge", slightly outdated insulin products. I bet the resulting savings for Medicare and Medicaid being

I don't know about anti-vaxxers, but it is the idea behind the amniocentesis prenatal test.

I think I see the problem here. You are ignorant as to what the suffix '-ish' signifies.

Isn't paleo eat mainly meat, plus fruits, veggies, nuts, etc? Basically everything we ate pre-agriculture.

"Children don't die anymore because of modern medical advances, therefore I can eschew modern medical advances and my child won't die."

OH WORD? LEAD IS POISON? Maybe tell that to the hundreds of generations of people who lined their aqueducts with it,m who used it as makeup, and who painted their walls with it who have survived using it since the dawn of civilization. Also make sure to tell modern civilization that it exists thanks to poison.

Photosynthesis FTW!

Appropriately planned being the key word there of course. Most people couldn't appropriately plan a trip if you gave them a map and a gps unit. IDK what that says about people's ability to appropriately plan vegan diets.

Yeah, fucking idiots choosing to be born with painful debilitating diseases. Shoulda just prayed harder as a fetus, amirite?