
I think the time when the roomba goes to charge would ruin the plan. Needs to be more or less in constant motion. A roomba running for an hour, then charging for 8 wouldn't work.

Ok. Stupid question. What happens if we water cannon salty water? Does the salt get filtered out as it goes through the ground into reservoirs? Does it poison all the ground it comes in to contact with?

What the fuck does this have to do with gaming? Get this shit on to Jezebel where it belongs.

What the fuck do you think the justices do? Invent random shit? Fart and hope it sounds like a legal decision?

For fucks sake. He quoted the fucking dictionary. He he was not referring to something else or some other term. He was referring to the thing he used the god damned dictionary to quote from.

The name of the post was "I Challenge You to Stop Reading White, Straight, Cis Male Authors for One Year".

It doesn't actually matter if someone can technically be racist against white people because it doesn't effect our lives.

'Using language correctly' isn't a 'trick'.

Maybe you should read his helpful link to information on why there is no such thing as reverse-racism.

No it doesn't. You become racist when you say "and the only way to get a new perspective is from <other race>".

You grab a book and read the back summary. If it sounds interesting, read it. How do you people pick books where the author matters? Outside of hey I've read this guy before so I know they're good.

Of course, the comments on the video are filled with personal anecdotes of people getting into longterm relationships after wearing someone down and suggestions that the mom in the video doesn't know what she's talking about, but her point isn't that young men shouldn't try, it's that they shouldn't try after being

You are doing a whole bunch of work for zero gain. That's indisputably irrational. The fact that your cutoff for effort in an endeavour that nets you no benefit is 'exceedingly inconvenient' rather that 'the slightest bit inconvenient' IS irrational. Sorry to break it to you, dude.

You've seen a felafel machine in a bathroom?

It's about a generally healthy lifestyle that makes me comfortable and helps me avoid getting sick, but I don't let it interfere with my ability to enjoy life.

*sigh* Can't tell if sarcasm....

But for some reason, is still an idiot.

'Illegal' being the key word there. You are saying it is legal.

I don't disagree it's wholly stupid, but I think the thing that prevents that is that if they do find anything against you, they can't use it, so what's the point?

Yup. There a certain segment of the audience (me!) that wants to see this: