
DBZ:Abridged is GOLD!

That's the non-Air.

Exactly what punishment would be harsh enough to send the message not to do it, after allowing them to do it?

People who are demonstrably guilty should not get retrials for technicalities, it is a waste of time and money.

You aren't wrong, but you have to admit, it is all levels of stupid. First, it gives the police absolute and unfettered abuse powers. They can now go into any home - at will. They can ransack your home 'searching'. As long as they don't find any evidence against you, no problem.

[...] if the remaining evidence proves his guilt [...]

80 years is a long time. If I had told you about the iPhone in 1935, would that sound more crazy than printing a body, or less crazy?

I'd say solar probably needs less people. It is just that your average person on the street knows the effort involved in wiping dust off a surface. They also can reasonably approximate how big That power plant is. IOW, they can imagine how much work it would take them to do it.

Pooping cause you really really have to poop!

Well, the guy cleaning up the coal furnace doesn't have to cover 12 square miles.

What the hell else would you want your cheeses to be? Crispy? Blocky?

The Middle East Institute reports that 18 percent families in Egypt live in single-room housing, while there's a shortage of 3.5 million units nationwide. Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics told Al Monitorthat there are up to 20 million people living in "informal" dwellings, which often lack water

Ok, how about we trade some money? I give you a couple of bucks of monopoly money, you give me several thousand USD.

Thousands of sightings, some by people trained in this type of thing, some by people with lots of respect versus a mere handful of sightings by crazy people are simply not the same thing. Just no.

Bandwagon? I seem to be the only commenter that is saying this isn't any big deal.

That's actually a rather good point. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to hope that aliens actually look like trolls. ;)

Untold resources? For all you know it is nothing more than a day-trip or a joy ride for them.

What are the Pros and Cons of Unreal as compared to Unity? Is Unreal more for making FPS?

No seriously, I'm trying to help you. Stop arguing, start learning. You are outing yourself as an idiotic, crackpotted, buffoon. There's no need for you to do that, just shut up, start learning from your betters, then when you talk, you won't be saying things that are utterly moronic. Its a win/win scenario.

So it is the same thing that browsers have had for over a decade, but it opens in a sidebar rather than a new tab? And it uses bing rather than google search, so the results are going to be terrible?