
Yeah, but the 'little something' Putin can use was this:

Sorry. Bravery isn't stupidity. I'm not sure why you would confuse the two, but you did.

The biggest breakthrough is that the idea that medicine should be aiming for immortality is now part of the conversation.

I think the thing you're missing is how much men love, care, and respect their sex objects.

Why Do Men Always Think You Like Them?

I think you might need to re-evaluate what 'sex positive' means. Because you sound like you view it pretty negatively.

No, we're just awesome at shitty things! :P

Yeah, but that's in your pipes, not your hot water tank.

It is pretty cool when you see new religious behaviour spontaneously develop. It can be really indicative of how religions started IRL. Example:

Unions aren't invented yet....

That seems like a good strat. You get the motivation from the snowball, and the money savings from the avalanche.

That's true in a lot of ways, but dividing it by political boundaries can show the relative strengths and weaknesses of different politics.

Your logic is baffling. I'm assuming you say that Californians can only vacation in Florida because the only place with weather as good as Cali is Florida. But if you 'can vacation anywhere', following your logic, that means you have the worst possible weather in the world. Why would having the worst possible weather

Then you should probably replace you tank.

Its turtles VMs all the way down.

Because humans are stupid. We always think we aren't, but we really, really are.

The rosetta probe carried along with it a lander. The probe was in orbit of the comet for a while before it launched the lander. The lander crashed during its landing attempt.

When they appear at all, black video game characters are often

Or, at the very least, if you are going to be heavy-handed, do it right. As much as everyone complains about the Win8 desktop experience, and how they only cared about the tablet, it is actually better on the desktop than the tablet.

This tick-tock thing is largely myth. When you actually look at all of their OSs, it is more of a crap shoot. 3.1, 3.11, 2000, ME, 98 SE, NT, etc. Hell, even the good ones, like, XP were only good after the 2nd service pack.