
It sure is easier to dismiss harsh truths as "bullshit" rather than examine your life and lifestyle and make changes, isn't it?


Lol. Iiiiirony....

Food stamps don't help all that much when the only thing in your area are convenience stores where the closest thing to real food is cheeze-its and the closest real grocery store is an hour away.

Still not correct. Signing a declaration that the server belonged to him would not have infringed his right to testify. He would still have been allowed and able to testify. Nobody could have stopped him. And, if he did not lie or equivocate about the ownership of the server on the stand, his declaration could not be

You misunderstand the 5th Amendment. The 5th Amendment does not grant you the right to testify. It grants you the right to

You misunderstand the 5th Amendment. The 5th Amendment does not grant you the right to testify. It grants you the right to refuse to testify. No other witness, if subpoenaed, has that right except when their own 5th Amendment rights are at issue. So, again, he would actually be synergistically using his 5th Amendment

Mostly, no. Undercover/sting work isn't illegal. Sitting in a car waiting to track someone, or what have you, isn't illegal.

Without rewriting the laws of physics I doubt there is much they can do.

Yes, most people believe exactly that.

Even what the FBI says they did would be illegal. They basically claimed that they launched a brute force attack, didn't they? They said someone kept typing into the captcha until they discovered a weakness. If a normal person did that, you can be sure the FBI wouldn't hesitate to call it hacking.

I just thought it would be hilarious if in your post where you said even aliens, just like humans, can be assholes that if some human acted like an asshole :)

That's not true. In fact, he would be

In what way is "settling other planets" the same as "hiding under our beds"?

Either ignore us, or be friendly. Or they think dieing in glorious combat is a privilege and an honor. Or maybe their religion demands forced conversion. Or maybe their home planet had two sets of sentient species and they were nearly wiped by

Reserved, not reversed.

The case law should be over-ridden. All of the government's evidence should be legally obtained. Period. It doesn't matter who it belonged to. The government should not be allowed to break the law. Every citizen has an interest in having a government that follows the law. Not just the person on trial.

But that is back-ass-wards. If the government believes it is mine, that should be enough. Al of the government's evidence should be legally obtained. Period. It doesn't matter who it belonged to. The government should not be allowed to break the law. Every citizen has an interest in having a government that follows

How come the government/prosecution claiming that it is his isn't enough? If the government isn't allowed to get evidence illegally, and they got evidence illegally, why does it matter who the evidence is about??

I love these responses.

Does the novelization explain why he doesn't say anything? Like while Anakin and Palpatine are talking? Anakin is like "I don't know if I should do this, it seems pretty dark side to me." Why didn't Dooku say something like "He's sith, he's trying to turn you and he's running both sides of the war!"