
Yup. Hence "Plus, she's a looker" instead of "who cares about that stuff, she's a looker."

Moral of the story's close: 20% of the people who game online are irredeemable douchebags.

Because there has also been 25 years of development in the technologies used to defeat the tracking.

Noticing that the guy didn't know his own name, perhaps?

Noticing that the guy didn't know his own name, perhaps?

Yes, but as soon as you chose not to comply with a cops orders, you are resisting arrest (somehow), impeding an active investigation, were acting aggressively, etc, etc. Then after you get out of the hospital because of the beating the cops gave you. They will charge you with bioterrorism for bleeding on them while

LOL isn't dudebro?

Plus she's a looker.

Shit. I missed the part where Mr. Zeisbergs was a crazed person.

The gap between "'OK, jackass' and hang up the phone" and "Send in a fully militarized SWAT team, guns drawn, saying 'GET THE FUCK ON THE GROUND BEFORE WE SHOOT'" is large enough to fit a solar system. And between the two there are countless responses that aren't negligent and that don't put lives at risk.

The thing is, it isn't the tipster who is putting anyone at risk. A reasonable police response wouldn't put anyone at risk.

The difference is you are in complete control of your car. You have absolutely zero control as to how the police operate.

Insane police acting insane to an anonymous tip isn't the tipsters fault. Any random individual literally has zero say in how the police conduct their business.

It is very sad that those meant to serve and protect are more dangerous than the heart attack that many pizzas would cause.

No, ABS means you can't brake at all. If you are going on any slight downhill slope covered in ice, you are boned. Any amount of braking causes the wheels to slip, making the ABS engage. ABS on an icy slope completely disables your braking system.

Uhhh, Ohio isn't North. It is only slightly more northern than the middle of the country...

I was watching on an enhanced hd set the other day. It was surreal. More colorful, sharper, higher contrast, than real life. Looking at the TV looked like the real world does when magic mushrooms are just barely starting to kick in.

That's kind of a huge insult to BBT. They get a ton of stuff right and put effort into it. See all those whiteboards with equations in the backgrounds? Actual science equations, not gibberish. There was one episode where they went camping in order to shine a laser at the moon and time the reflection. That's an actual

Your opinion of your workplace is privileged information? That's even more bizarre than how long the company's been around is.

What is the relevance of pointing out that aerobics isn't all that helpful, while completely ignoring strength training?