
And to be fair, the first page of google results also turned up this one:

Probably the first time in history that email has been described as "ain't broke".

When I go to costco, I'll see the lines on the right backed up. Meanwhile the lines on the left are completely empty.

So the article starts of with 500 words describing conservative evangelicals who are environmentalists.

I would maintain that you are clearly not talking to libertarians in that case. If I and other doctrinaire libertarians had our way, I would stand to lose my mortgage interest deduction, child tax credit, EITC, IRA deductions, and dozens of other "privileges" bestowed by the corrupt social engineering and vote buying

What makes you think Democrats have the idea of the primacy of the wise state over the individual? What policies do they support that would make you say that?

You are implying that Ron and Rand Paul are the true voice of the Libertarian Party and of course run as Republicans so as to be able to actually get voted in, since independent candidates rarely are elected for anything sadly. I have no idea what transvaginal ultrasounds and corporate enrichment have anything to do


I'll agree that the two party system sucks. But the libertarians don't have to side with the conservatives. They could ally with the liberals.

No, it was the last guy, a Republican, that did that. I don't know if you're a troll or a shill, either way, you fail.

The Scandis are free market democracies with socialist tendencies

The problem is it doesn't really matter what it is from the democrats, the conservatives are far less libertarian. Government mandating transvaginal ultrasounds, and bending over backwards to enrich their corporate friends is the antithesis of any type of libertarian ideal.

It's kind of true that everyone is a libertarian to some extent. Unless you've said something along the lines of "We need more government than necessary" you're a libertarian of some sort.

Its actually rather easy. Girls play casual games like Candy Crush Saga.

Are all Jews complicit in the Palestinian apartheid? Are all Turks complicit in the Armenian genocide? Are all priests complicit in molesting people?

The '-gate' suffix means 'scandal'. Gamergate == scandal involving gamers. How exactly is one 'pro' or 'con' scandal. What side is the people in favor of scandal? I have no idea what that would even mean.

It costs £19.95 ($32.07), and anyone able to finish this nightmare gets a t-shirt (which probably won't fit them until their inevitable emergency food c-section) and £100 (which will come in handy for paying for said inevitable emergency food c-section).

The problem, of course, is you are both right.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who doesn't wish to see that common humanity doesn't have an opinion worth even the slightest regard.

La-Aand L-i-n-e? What's that? I'm unfamiliar with the word. Is that when your cell phone is charging?