
The Bible teaches that sin entered the world through Adam

Sounds right up my alley. Where do I sign up for conversion?

It absolutely fascinates me. You have two groups of people claiming to have a source of perfect, infallible information. They come up with different, completely and unequivocally contradictory conclusions.

Scientists don't claim to have all knowledge. Theologians do. Scientists don't say their source of information is perfect or infallible. Theologians do. Scientists don't claim that their information isn't subject to a human's interpretation. Theologians do.

Yeah, but I'd kinda like to be able to use my data and receive phone calls. So turning off the LTE chip isn't really an option. I guess they could give an option to only turn the Direct feature off. But we both know they won't.

As for other creatures experiencing Malthusian catastrophes I have to disagree. As creatures approach carrying capacity their growth rate slows as competition for resources increases and you gradually reach an equilibrium state with periods of slight growth and slight decline. You can see with with any model species

LTE Direct as a way to extend cell phone range? Great. LTE Direct as a way to keep cell service active after a natural disaster that takes out the power grid and/or cell towers? Phenomenal ability that will save lives. LTE Direct as an vector to send me advertisements? I'll pass.

Let's all be honest here. He got the TD, did a power slide, realized he's not allowed to do power slides, then covered his ass by praying.

No it doesn't. First off, you didn't complain that I didn't back up my statement. That's a reasonable complaint. I didn't. But let's be honest. That is only your fall back now that I've called you out for your faux internet hysteria. If you had actually cared that there was little content, you would have made that

No dufus, they smeared the teens by showing the shoplifting video and saying that the 'officer' that killed him was aware of the robbery.

Some people are idiots. Irresponsible, absent, incompetent, or what have you. The problem I have with your idea is that these types of people can still pop out a kid. These people will not raise their kids well. That is a guarantee.

I keep my phone in my front pocket. When I climb into my car, sometimes the phone gets squished between my leg and the steering wheel. I'm pretty sure I'd bend the 6+ the first time I sat in my car. Luckily, I only have a note2 so I don't need to worry :)

I disagree. It looks like light to me. Honestly, almost anyone could snap a phone in half if they were pushing really hard.

No, and you're an idiot to think that.

Now playing

Watch this video. Full grown man. Full strength bending. None bend the way the iPhone Plus does. There's another one where he does the Note3. Same results.

It just means that you're an idiot.

If you liked that analogy, then you're as big an idiot as the author. Putting pressure on phone in your pocket is an everyday thing for phones. Getting hit with a baseball bat is not part of the TVs everyday life.

Actually, all my dishes are shatter proof. They been dropped very hard at times. No problems. That said, dropping dishes isn't really normal use. Putting light pressure on a phone sitting in your pocket, bag, whatever IS normal usage.

We are going off topic here, but, that's a real shitty defense strategy. The way to prevent people being raised stupidly isn't to let their stupid parent raise them.

Multiple people doing it once == thousands of dollars worth of hardware