
If by 'best' you mean 'fuck our customers, who cares if we sell them shit, I need to get paaaaid', then yes, yes indeed.

You are surprised by that response? When they had the antenna problem, their response was it is designed to be held.

I'm not sure what side you are on, because I'm too lazy to go back to the top to read the comment you are relaying to. But, I'd say no. You are not responsible for it. The store should most assuredly say "our bad it's not as durable as we thought" and let you walk out.

Now playing

Watch this video. Full grown man. Full strength bending. None bend the way the iPhone Plus does. There's another one where he does the Note3. Same results.

Now playing

Watch this video. Full grown man. Full strength bending. None bend the way the iPhone Plus does.

Apple itself acknowledges that there are confirmed issues with new iPhones bending under some circumstances. But intentionally seeking to destroy an iPhone 6 Plus doesn't mean it was poorly built, any more than walking into Best Buy with a baseball bat and smashing TVs doesn't mean that the TVs should be more

I've had apps crash on iPhone, and I've had it crash and reboot. My wife's iPhone would randomly power down and not turn back on. To turn it on again, she had to plug it in, even though it had full battery when it died and it still reported full battery when she plugged it in.

Yes. But unlike computers, the crap that gets installed on phones by the oems don't make the phone freeze. They don't make it unstable. And even if there is bloatware, the phone still 'just works'.

If you have something with substance to say, go for it. If you just want to whine like a little school girl, go clutch your pearls somewhere else.

Yeah, no. You're wrong, fanboi. They are the market leader. They make more money than any other android maker. Your idea that their strategy is a failure has zero support. Now you're moving the goal posts to say that consumers will realize this sometime in the future and then the number will back you up.

Cool. Thanks for confirming. It isn't the phablet form factor and the Note doesn't bend. The htc is boss, wow.

Don't like it when people call you out for being full of shit? Poor little baby.

Has the iPhone improved this dramatically since the iPhone 3g? Because I have zero idea what you are talking about :(

Has the iPhone improved this dramatically since the iPhone 3g? Because I have zero idea what you are talking about :(

So piece of shit lying moron asshole of troll a then.

What kind of devices? I can imagine that - maybe - with cheap chinese tablets that have like 8kb of ram and a potato for a processor.

So the part at around 50 seconds where he says " will take off from your wrist, it knows where you are, it turns around, takes a picture of you, comes back, and you catch it from the air and put it back on your wrist..." You came away with 'always on camera'?

Yeah its true. That's why the Samsung Note is also known for bending. Oh wait, no, it doesn't bend.

I'll have to take your word for it, I guess. To me it seems more like both are automatics, but android also has a secondary manual mode.

Yeah, but generally the people you are saying it to are too oblivious to catch the implication. You have to be explicit with these people.