
Not programming. In programming, if someone else did it, no matter how good they are, it is crap.

Holy Crap! What a phenomenally written article! Kudos!

Anne: I'm not injecting alien things into her without her permission

You.... want that? Why?? All the relationship drama has been terrible in this show. I just don't think the writers can handle it.

Dude. I quoted the wikipedia article on conventional warfare. I'm not just pulling things out of my ass. If you don't like the definition, find a better, more authoritative source or STFU.


While I agree that mothers need to have a suitable place to change the diapers of their swaddled young ones, I also hate the idea of smelling poo while I'm trying to eat my dinner.

Ok, but when people said nukes would stop "conventional war" they meant "conventional war", not "all violent human conflict". It why used words like "conventional war" and not "everything from X to Y".

I don't get it.

No, fuck YOU, dude.

The trope I hate the most is "Aliens are just humans - with human culture -that look funny."

I think you should take another look at warfare throughout history. All out war between the superpowers of the day was constant. There probably isn't a time since the late middle ages where at least two out of France, the Brits, Portugal, China, Spain, Prussia, Ottomans, Japan, Russia, Austria, etc. weren't fighting a

What a fucking asshole. Report him to HR. IF it is annoying you he should stop. Whether he believes you get headaches from it or not.

Scanned the headline. Read ISS as ISIS. I was like, why the hell would we want to help those guys?!

That's Body Integrity Identity Disorder. BIID.

You should really look into BIID. It could give you some insights into your own condition as well. I read a Reader's Digest article interviewing people who suffer with it. The language they use to describe their feelings are shockingly similar to the language trans* use to describe their feelings. They seems so

The medical equivalent of throwing shit on a wall and seeing what sticks. LOL.

Wha? Gender dysphoria can't be treated? So hormone therapy and SRS don't exist?

Ruthlessly gendered before birth? What are the mechanics of that, exactly?

Which is much worse than before, where they were no mental disorders - just demon possessions. :)