
Get them from Costco. It'll be ten bucks for a hundred of them. And I'm not exaggerating.

I agree. Being tied to resources that come from foreign powers when you don't have to be is unwise to say the least.

But this focus on leaving earth has me thinking of the way people leap from relationship to relationship, as is the way for serial monogomists in the main. Why not fix what's wrong with you, the relationships you are in already, before rushing off to new conquests?

Ahh. Paint. Didn't know they painted them. Derp.

In refusing to address the problem, Gawker's leadership is prioritizing theoretical anonymous tipsters over a very real and immediate threat to the mental health of Jezebel's staff and readers.

Good info! I never would have thought aluminum. It looks brown. What's up with that? How come it isn't the silver color of aluminum? I guess it is industrial grade? Like how industrial diamonds aren't pretty and shiny like commercial diamonds?

Integrating the browser with OS features didn't work out to well for microsoft last time around.

As one of those Dawkins-styled anti-religious zealots, I agree. There's gotta be a more cost effective one-upmanship.

One unethical aspect is how the western world is reaping most of the benefits, but when global warming causes damages, it won't be us suffering the worst of it.

Entropy must increase. Ethics are irrelevant here. Neither option is more or less ethical. At least, that's if we ignore the humans involved. We are going to burn through resources, that is entirely unavoidable. There is no ethical value attached as to whether we get those resources from Earth, Mars, Luna, or, the

I actually find it kind of ridiculous that we are determined to escape earth as soon as possible instead of actually making fuller use of the planet we have to hand.

Danzig's position (at least the last quoteblock) is lacking in logic and reason. He isn't saying that anyone is overestimating the potential damages. He is saying that while a cyber attack could create enough damage to be an existential threat, it is unlikely to occur, therefore we shouldn't consider it an existential

What is the trimaran hull of the Independence class made out of? It looks more like the poured concrete of brutalist architecture than armoured plating.

'Doing investigative work to aid the police' does not make someone a vigilante. Vigilantism is when you take crime prevention or punishment in to your own hands. Running an address lookup on an IP isn't preventing or punishing crime. Informing the police to let them handle it afterwards is most assuredly not

The article and the video both say that the caller said there might be a murder. You would think it wouldn't warrant a swat raid, but here we are, reading a story about how it just happened, so what you think/feel/believe doesn't really matter does it?

Consider: Cops find a body, conduct an investigation, and identify a suspect. They believe the suspect did it and they know a crime actually did occur, they only send a detective or two. That's how investigations usually work.

Consider: Cops find a body, conduct an investigation, and identify a suspect. They believe the suspect did it and they know a crime actually did occur, they only send a detective or two. That's how investigations usually work.

Except, according to the news report, the call said that someone at that house has a gun, and there may have been a murder.

Legal punishment?

I imagine it wouldn't work out to well. I don't speak the language, and I'll probably get blown up by a disproportionate Israeli bombing. Also, no booze. Not fun. Not fun at all.