
Oh god. Where to start on this drivel?

So after reading the comments, here's some numbers.

So, in a world where getting bitten by a radioactive spider, or getting blown up in a nuclear blast gives you superpowers, mechanical web shooters break your suspension of disbelief?

Maybe? List 3.

Yeah but we are in a world where iron man exists. DARPA aint looking out for web shooters at that point.

I'm weird. I don't follow that path.

Put yourself in this situation. Perhaps you're talking to a realtor. They mention that only a few people have been blown up lately, and the rent is real good and most of the neighbors are nice. There's only a small chance of your house being destroyed, and anyhow lightning never strikes twice, right? Two houses up the

You need to put a wink-y face! Otherwise, Poe's Law territory.

Outside Islam, FGM has been practised by the Christian Copts in Egypt and Sudan, and by the Beta Israel of Ethiopia, the only Jewish group known to have practised it. Judaism requires male circumcision, but does not allow FGM.

Why write all that?

Yeah, that worked great for Ghaddafi, Mubarak, Assad....

Wow you are a racist fuck head.

While I agree with you, 14 deaths from lightning strikes since 2001 seems high? Citation?

Yeah, I know what motivates them also.

I've never touched a violin. Are you telling me that someone who has practiced the violin for 10,000 hours is only likely to be 21% better at playing it than me?

No matter how much practice we get at observing how the real world works, and no matter how many times we see weird things happening in a dream, we never seem to realize, at the moment when our father turns into a giraffe, that this is most likely to happen in a dream world, and that we are therefore dreaming. This is

When I was reading this article, I thought of Montreal first as well. I thought "Geez I'm glad Montreal has simple signs that wouldn't confuse anyone."

What election coverage are you watching that chastises a candidate for things they've done as a teen?

This card should lose just because the poster put it all in bold. What an eyesore.

You are quite right. The english bulldog, not the american one. My mistake.