
In general, if you are starting a post with "<Blank> is great yet many people do not know what they are or how to use them", it is a good idea to mention, at some point or another, what they are and how to use them.

I'm sorry. :(

I agree wholeheartedly about the worker dog aspect. The largest reason that we have these 'handicapped' breeds is because dogs stopped being a useful tool and started to be status symbols.

First off, and this may come as a shock, but it is possible for someone to get more than one thing wrong in a single post. I don't have to correct every single one of those mistakes for the correction to still be on-topic. I'm allowed to pick and choose! So, even if what you are saying vis-a-vis breeding and evolution

Actually, there is even new evidence that Lamarckian evolution* isn't as wrong as we thought it was, either. As it turns out, things you've experienced throughout your lifetime can affect the phenotype expression of certain genes for up to several generations down the line.

  1. asterios said that dog breeding was a good example of evolution.

I would imagine neither does he. Hence why he offered the money to begin with.

The thing is, it is the size of the guy's head when the head and rock are both near the camera. You would expect the rock to be the size of the guy's head when they are both far from the camera.

Go re-read point 2. "Evolution" means "descent with modification". Whether 'fitness' is decided by the environment alone (Natural Selection), or, by the environment and humans together (Artificial Selection), it is all evolution.

Well, it depends. If we are using genetic algorithms to develop the AI, then yes. You can call it evolution. Otherside, no. It is just called 'progress'.

The American Bulldog has to be birthed by C-section. We've selected them to have such cartoonishly large heads that they can no longer pass through a birth canal. That has nothing to do with puppy mills and seems rather unethical, if you ask me.

Mutations do not appear because a need exists for them.

In the comparison city shot, the HDR photo looks more realistic than the original. It has details. The other one is washed out and blurry. The non-HDR version is like seeing through a dirty window, or a hockey visor.

God damn, that's a pretty plane!

There is a very large difference between

Give him that pass 100 times. How many do you think he would actually score?

Sometimes my friends and I will get together to play a pickup game of some sport. Sometimes we play soccer. I'm by no means a soccer player. Some of my friends, OTOH, live and breathe soccer. They played in high level leagues as kids and play it in leagues, as adult, even.

The average human heart rate is 60 beats a minute, or, 1 beat a second. Because of that, I had always assumed that seconds were the base unit and minutes were built up off of that. It made sense to me that the base unit for counting time was something that was inherently countable.

There was a reason I used scare quotes. :)

I mean, it must have only been relatively recently that we've had the technology to discover 9 billion oscillations of anything on such a molecular level, and yet, seconds have been understood to simply be 1/60th of a minute for centuries.