Would love to see Lin show up in Space Jam 2, but I think you mean James Wan...
“Methuselah was an old WHITE man with a long WHITE beard. Sorry. He just was.”-Megyn Kelly, presumably
“I have tasted the maggots in the mind of the Universe and I was not offended, for I knew I had to rise above it all or drown in my own shit.”
As a Jew, her (and many, many other’s) bullshit about Israel criticism = anti-semitism drives me absolutely crazy, particularly when it comes from non-jews. Yes, many Jews also engage in this type of absolutism, including my own father (a man who argues that Palestinians don’t exist and ‘are all Jordanians’), but…
I remember seeing zippity doo dah on the Disney channel at a neighbor’s house (this would have been early to mid 80s) and I (or my grandmother) had a little Song of the South kids picture book (It might have been titled something like the Adventures of Br’er Rabbit or similar). I was way too young to draw any…
Most workout gear (at least the stuff i own) is composed of synthetic poly blends that ought not be put in the dryer in the first place...
Most workout gear (at least the stuff i own) is composed of synthetic poly blends that ought not be put in the dryer…
Ugh...and I LIKE David Spade!
She is nice, funny, and cool etc.
“Do YOU come with the hat?”
That walker on the right must think he’s in a Carl’s Jr. commercial and Bran is a cheeseburger.
I4H 4 Life!
Important to note Marvel has employed several male directors with little to no action directing experience (Coogler, Waititi, Branagh) and has stunt/action coordinators handle a lot of the responsibilities where those types of scenes are concerned. Easy to view this as a chauvinistic gesture, but it is in keeping…
The ever loving, blue-eyed Thing.
It’s Barbra.
Breakfast before a shower? Noooooope. Get that fiber in me and stuff starts moving THEN ablutions. Order of operations.
Seattle’s finest (in my opinion) are Craft Elixirs’ ‘Pioneer Squares’
Seattle’s finest (in my opinion) are Craft Elixirs’ ‘Pioneer Squares’
Not to mention Trump’s fixation on arm sales as some sort of presidential accomplishment being Eisenhower’s military/industrial complex boogeyman come alive.
Wherever goes a Brett a Chad is soon to follow.