more like “kill them last”
more like “kill them last”
Most likely crisps.
Well I happen to like pizza AND sushi (my two favorite foods) but if you like neither I don’t think you are going to hell. So no, it’s not all the same “logic”.
Wink wink.
It’s time to forgive him for that haircut.
Shoulda made another sequel, because (and I hate to break it to the good people at Fox) those actors are waaay to old now to do a prequel.
Pshh. He looks nothing like John Madden.
Link to your awesome original comic?
Based on the header pic I’d say: Pikachu cannot and Eevee can. This is about as much as I know about Pokemon.
Closer to half than a third. Shit is real.
Or they can shove a bunch of dollars and years at Ersan Ilyasova...
Looks like Mark Zuckerberg fucked a Proboscis Monkey...
It wasn’t about cost-effectiveness, rather baking only muffin tops did not capture the essence/flavor/whatever of a true muffin top...they had to be authentic muffin tops...hence the stumps.
Not a magnet, rather a sponge...
Come for the tour, stay for the anti-government meandering!
Yeah that’s a good take, maybe better than mine, though I’m not sure they’re mutually exclusive.
The problem with them is they were patterned to poke fun at Milo Yiawhatever but he went away right as the show came on. But they’re so damn funny I don’t think it matters.
They got that room full of mobile shelving, empty plastic containers, and wires completely on lock!
He meant 10 out of 100...
MeToo is not just about actors and celebrities. It is about all survivors of sexual violence.