I believe I read it/heard it elsewhere as something he was saying when getting up from a chair, like “oh, my back”, but it’s funny because he’s a man and not a stupid woman than constantly complains about her vagina.... you know HILARIOUS
I believe I read it/heard it elsewhere as something he was saying when getting up from a chair, like “oh, my back”, but it’s funny because he’s a man and not a stupid woman than constantly complains about her vagina.... you know HILARIOUS
Imagine telling 2003 Dave Chappelle that he would be a Ben Shapiro figure in 18 years.
You can’t pick and choose who you’re going to make fun of.
Once again, stupid motherfuckers run their mouths about “free speech” with NO understanding of the concept. If someone says some offensive shit, and the public rejects that stupid shit, that’s still free speech.
And people are allowed distance themselves and even speak against those hateful opinions, having an opinion doesn’t make you immune to consequences.
People are allowed to have opinions.
Everyone is allowed to have opinions, but they are not free of the consequences of sharing those opinions, including lost business opportunities.
You do when you’re a private company. Most ToS has a section dedicated to their ability to remove content they deem not suitable for their platform. Standard stuff.
Sure you can, if they’re using your platform. Clearly Epic is working with this kid so they can choose to terminate the relationship at any point if they choose to.
Religion is seriously a poison on humanity.
“Remember when The AV Club used to publish thoughtful reviews of TV shows instead of just talking about whatever is trending on Twitter at the moment" is our generation's MTV and music videos.
Like him or not (he’s definitely an acquired taste, but I would say is very funny), you don’t have to strain much to see Heidecker is an artist in ways comedians seldom ever are or attempt to be. That he had a multi-hour event labeled “The Trial of Tim Heidecker” (or maybe something similar sounding)—in which he is…
Aaaand there goes any chance this movie had of succeeding. It came out in 2020 of all years, so a lot of the casual audience inherently won’t be seeing in theaters, immediate fan reaction was strongly negative, and now this. The Chinese market is a massive consideration for films like this, so their saving grace is…
It is gloriously apropos that a movie featuring Illyana Rasputin has been stuck in Limbo for years.
I guarantee you the GTA online subreddit is going to go into meltdown over this.
Shut it down for a day, minimum. Two hours barely gets people talking.
Well written, smart, fair piece. Hope you don’t get roasted for it.
Im just so tired of gamer outrage, that i just dont care anymore. Even though i wanted this, and now dont. Game companys gonna screw people over. Either buy in and risk it, or dont.
This is super touching and amazing that they guy went to all this work. But he shouldn’t have had to.