Fwee Wub

I’ve had these (or similarly treated ones) from Costco and they are garbage. Sure, they never rot.  They also never properly ripen.  They look ripe, but have a rubbery consistency and almost no flavor.  I hope they don’t catch on any further.  They suuuuuuck.

Your header graphic prominently features Earl under the words ‘characters’ and ‘terrible’. I’m not sure if that makes you a Wiener or a Doofus, but you definitely deserve a broken present.

May his death be the threshold...

Hopefully not KEN Boned...

When I was a kid I would cast actors in the roles of characters in novels I read, basically picturing each actor rather than constructing a face from my imagination or the author’s description. When I read the stand I cast Miguel Ferrer (I’m guessing I knew him from Robocop) as Lloyd Henried.  And then he was cast in

My family and I have wondered if the pizza at Pizza Hut actually was good back in the day (late 80s-mid 90s) or if we just have rosy memories.  But we all swear we loved it and that is shit now.


And at least the duckling gets the message...

Maybe it’s an alternate universe Fury and this is some stupid viral marketing.

*makes noise one does when hit in the face with a rake handle*

X-Men Annual #10 1986. Mojo! New Mutants vs X-Men! X-Babies! One of the greatest single X-men issues of all time!

Put this guy on a watch-list.

Pics look good. I, however, cannot wait till the end of Movie Titles: Rise of the Colon is finally over.

I discovered them the year they broke up...

Never thought I’d get to see Berman perform live...

I think they look like young moose

I read “shooting permit” as a permit to shoot a film, not carry a gun, but with Herzog one should never be too sure.

“pin particles”

In the early to mid 80s my dad would pop 2 full brown paper grocery bags worth of popcorn at home and bring it along with a backpack with a 2 liter of soda and cups.  He wouldn’t really attempt to hide any of this, but he would make an incredibly loud scene with the ticket taker until they would just wave him past,