
I walked into a Jazz bar in Utah...

In Russia, joke tells YOU


Wasn’t me

Is this fool really using the Shaggy defense?!

PS: Anna, how’s about an ungreying for a dedicated commenter?

Tony Romo broke three ribs hearing about Jordy Nelson breaking two ribs.

Looks like he’s Dun-leaving any doubt he doesn’t want to play for the Hawks.

Let me get this straight: when the government takes less of your money, it’s a giveaway? It’s nonsensical on a linguistic level. The government doesn’t own everything. It’s not “giving money to the rich”. It’s taking less of their money. And you might say, well, it’s just a different wording, why does it matter?

My Grandmother was Raped and All I Got was This Lousy T-Shirt.

[looking at a tiger in the zoo]

Can’t a guy hang out with a bunch of other guys shirtless on a boat while wearing jeans and boots without glory hole talk coming up?

Cheers to Jay for throwing something correctly.

Not one reference to “yaaaardage” in the entire article, though.

I feel like Barry started out with a nautical metaphor and couldn’t find a decent place to lay it to rest, to the point where eventually it became an albatross around his neck.

Saillllling took him away from where he was going— PLAYOFF SUCCESS! Tom from Teaneck, you’re up next!

“This checks out.”

Randal Cobb caught three touchdowns because he wasn’t on a boat this week!!!! That’s just boat science.