
Trump voters elected Trump. Non-voters elected Trump. I am not one to criticize anyone for engaging politically. Its what we should strive for. Maybe instead of blaming each other you should ask what it was about your preferred candidate that not enough people were inspired to come out and vote for her?

This is all great news but I am willing to learn.

Is there going to be a post about the Deadspin/Ted Cruz repartee?

But now who will direct the nation’s eyes to attractive young women in attendance at collegiate sporting events? Who? WHO?

I love how this is always the demand of the progressive- “be quiet if you don’t agree with me”. Look up top, it’s right there on the links to Michael Keaton and Jon Voight- “I don’t agree with you, so shut up”.

I think the biggest crises facing America are fundamentally ideological; while they’re exacerbated by our structural challenges, I don’t think our problem is that we can’t handle these issues because of structural incapacity.

petty af. it’s funny but i wish we could deal with serious issues like that goddamn heartbeat bill.

Amen to that. He is not illegitimate.

Stop with the 3M votes. If you take out total CA and NY popular vote, Trump won by 3M votes. That is why we have electoral college. Stop with this nonsense.

You really, really, really need to just give the fuck up already. First it was Wikileaks, then it was Comey, then it was the Russians “hacking the election”. You know what you get when you add that all together= Hilary Clinton got beat. Republicans control the vast majority of State Legislatures, State

Yes, everyone sees what you (and others apparently agree with) said. You’re just wrong. It is only illegitimate if votes were cast fraudulently or the results were not the results that the actual voting led to, and and to the point where it made a difference in the outcome. A state actor trying to influence the

No. I don’t think it is cool. I just realize that it is a duly elected legitimate president who is a also a garbage fire trash can human being. Both can be true.

I agree, but do think starting your argument with a lie strengthens smart people’s belief in the arguments you present?

Trump didn’t lose by 3 million voters because the popular vote isn’t a metric to count who won or lost an election. He won by 74 electoral college votes. Literally every piece of information we’ve heard says that our actual ballots are secure and haven’t been manipulated. People may have changed their mind based on

I am not a Trump fan, nor did I vote for him, but his government is not illegitimate. If you win the election and you haven’t cheated (manipulated actual ballots) you won fair and square. Saying the government is illegitimate only weakens all the correct things you say after.

When she’s bad, it’s “your kid.” When she’s good it’s “my kid.”

with **her** family

I don’t want my son to call my wife and I by our first names. When we address each other in front of him, we use “mommy” and “daddy.”

The mushy centrist middle approach exists because, while we love to bitch and moan about Republicans being in bed with their corporate and wealthy donors, so are the Democrats.

What a perfectly galvanizing word for a bunch of anti-Clintonites... DEPLORABLES. How the fuck did they let her get away with saying that?