
This is all great news but I am willing to learn.

Obama did do the same shit. That’s why Trump is able to do some of these things so quickly, he is just undoing what Obama did by his executive orders.

》》you don’t think 20 million people possibly losing health care《《

Or, its a giant con with a complicit media to distract us from the real issues.

Will the posts here start to be more truthful now that Ted Cruz owns Deadspin?

I think that is up to Ted Cruz as he owns Deadspin now.

This comment covers the spread.

ESPN is gonna have to kill more whitey.

He got fired for this?

Obama thought 1715 people deserved second chances.

Absolutelyman, shut it down, someone is bringing in facts that don’t support your fantasy.

Stop and frisk.

Because the words describing the situation and the solution are worse than the actual murders that are taking place in Chicago.

Can you guarantee that no one would be worse off if Hillary was elected?

So Hillary didn’t get the black vote?

So........kill whitey?

So.......the DNC will never nominate a white candidate again because the only thing you can get together on is a minority candidate?

I would love to be in the fainting couch business right meow.

“We’re in the Right Twix factory,” he says, “making cookie layered with caramel for the right side of the pack. And next door is the Left Twix factory, and they make cookie layered with caramel covered in chocolate.” “No—cloaked in chocolate,” interrupts the obtuse executive. “Totally different process.”

This is a great day for national security.