
Except... I feel that your attitude has a negative effect on society by stifling art and free expression. I have yet to see why objectification is a bad thing. There's no direct link between sexualized art and people being treated badly in real life. That's like saying kids shoot up schools because they play violent

Holy shit. Is it just me or are those PS3 games the 4 most underwhelming pack-in games of all time?

Hey now, I find that swearing offensive. It's just empty self-serving titillation for puerile purposes and contributes nothing to the work.

Replace "gimp" with anything along the lines of "idiot" or any other generic insult, you're clearly making an issue of something pointless with that.

The problem with both of your points is the word "empty". That is 100% subjective opinion. Claiming they contribute nothing is also subjective opinion. I find them funny, myself. Your entire so-called argument is just a bunch of subjective assertions with no supporting facts or evidence.

@Pyronite I understand that he\she needs psychological help if he\she feels the need to attempt to censor other people in order to feel comfortable with himself\herself sexually.

Feel free to correct my opinions on your attitudes if you feel that I'm strawmanning you.

@montycarlo: Do something productive with your life instead of whining like a little gimp every time someone else does. Seriously.

Care to provide a list of some of these "homebrew" programs? And no, the ability to play backups/roms of dubious origin doesn't count.

How's the battery life? :P

People born earlier than others have the unfair advantage of being able to invent things before others. Two people can have very similar ideas, and be ready to implement them around age 25, but if one is born any true length of time earlier than the other, then only one of them will be able to capitalize on this idea.

When Google's self-driving technology comes to fruition, there's going to be a thing with people using practically disposable low end android devices with the tech to steal cars remotely. A lot of the time you can get the hood open by crawling under. Just plug it in, close the lid, wait a bit , get it to go to its new

What I don't understand is... why is there so much concern over what kind of person the developer is? As long as the game is good and he's not conning his customers out of money, why do we care beyond that? You can respect someone for making a good game, sure, but why concern yourself with a subjective opinion about

Sorry, nope. You insulted my intelligence too much before, you're not getting my money this generation.

Microsoft could offer to pay me money to upgrade to Windows 8 and I'd still refuse.

I'm not gonna lie.

Can't wait until the piss poor sales of xbox one exclusives drive home the fact to publishers that the One is a bomb so we see more exclusives on other consoles.

Video games won't be truly indistinguishable from real life until eye tracking software can figure out what you're trying to look at/focus on, and blur/unblur certain things in the field of vision as quickly as your eyes do for the real world. I think that's one thing holding them back. That, and these games still

Video games are art. They are the final step of multimedia after movies, adding a dimension of interaction and nonlinearity to the experience of the piece.

I understand discrimination quite well being a homosexual and it's never quite left me feeling that spiteful. Hating the ignorant is discrimination unto itself after all. It's not their fault that they hold stupid opinions, and it's dieing out as generations progress due to the prevelance of education. And I don't