This is the correct answer.
This is the correct answer.
I’m just blue turtlin’ here, but it’s the best thing Earwolf has come out with.
Does this apply equally to those of us not looking to take said advantage? Because if so, from your lips to God’s ears.
What’s a dorter and why do these guys care so much about them?
Miller is the best athlete and Jones is the best story. Barrett is the best quarterback.
Good ass-Kinja.
It continues to baffle me how Person A’s religious practices and beliefs are somehow affected by Persons B and C fucking.
Yeah, I was dreading the “Terrible Twos,” but that year was NOTHING compared to ages three and four. When my girl was two, she was a total agent of chaos but she was mostly genial and well-meaning. At ages three and four, she was mostly just an asshole.
Fucking Phish and the fucking Grateful Dead. Fuck that shitty music and their fanboys. I would take hongadongadang grunt rock like Nickelback over that jamband bullshit.
I would be fascinated to see your brother try to attack mango preparation.
I appreciate the reminder that I need to watch Looper again.
Given the context, I think Blattshit would have been appropriate.
Fair enough. I’m not gonna watch a pornrape performance art whateverballs, but I’ll answer your questions.
This is bordering on performance art.
It’s a specific crime that we have given a specific name, and we call it by that name.
What the Christ.
Who is this fat naked man?