Nintendo Chavez

Where does she fall on the scale?

And... you could feel it, right? You knew.

I want to! It's awesome so far!

Oh, I'm sure it is. To be completely honest, the biggest roadblock is still probably the 3-year-old and 9-month-old. I'm still several episodes behind on Fargo and Orphan Black because of them.

I don't have HBO, but Game of Thrones seemed like the kind of show I'd be into. But there's just no avoiding spoilers unless you completely avoid the internet. The day after the Purple Wedding episode my wife said to me "you know, we don't even need to watch Game of Thrones, because whatever happens on any given

And you would lose that bet.

I'm just saying that a guy who filled his basketball book with numerous pointless analogies to porn stars and sex acts, who opened a podcast about TV by saying "you know what would make 'The Walking Dead' better, is if they had a bunch of hot chicks running around and getting their clothes torn off," and who was

Probably worse, it started as the "Aikman Face," and it was in regards to Aikman's blank stare on the sideline, a stare that nowadays we would probably associate with a concussion or concussion-like symptoms.

The guy has a tendency to be kind of creepy and lecherous in his columns and on his podcast (and ESPECIALLY in his basketball book). Wouldn't surprise me at all if that extends to real life interaction, too.

The person I was responding to said "Nobody was complaining when it was the Lakers vs the Celtics damn near ever year in the 80s."

People think of those two teams owning that decade, but they actually only played each other in the finals three times.

I assume we get to tu quoque in the 102 class?

Not to mention the gumbo, which, granted is just a burrito bowl with tortilla soup poured on it. But it's DELICIOUS.


Not nasally enough.

They're not rewrites, they're value-added phrasing alternatives.

We also know from the trailers and commercials that there's product placement for Hooters. And considering that the film transplants Sandler to Africa, I'd say the chances of there being "jokes at the expense of physical abnormality or ethnicity" is pretty damn close to 100%.

This fuckin' guy.