ninja wolf

The superdelegates’ votes seem to benefit both candidates the way they’d prefer to benefit. They make Clinton appear more vetted, trusted by the party leaders to win the general election. They make Sanders appear like the populist underdog, taking a stand against a corruptible system.

i mean just on principle

tfw in the 1980s the DNC decided you were too dumb to vote so they’d handle it for you

I have a number of female friends who’ve expressed that they sense an uptick in this kind of activity in the past few weeks. We might need to come up with a clever name for generally-female Clinton supporters who dog other females for not supporting her on the basis of gender.

I feel you. I was for Obama in 08 and felt like HRC supporters didn’t appreciate as a woman I wasn’t all rah rah for her. Now this time around, I like Bernie, but am leaning more for Hillary (her time as Sec. of State made me see her in a new light) but I HATE this sexism from both candidates followers. I really,

Almost every woman I know who has had a baby, planned and unplanned, drank and even did drugs and smoked unintentionally during their first few weeks and every single one of them has healthy children who don’t have FAS. It must say something about my friend group, but I seriously can't think of a single person I know

That was a really good episode.

I don’t know, Grim did a pretty good episode that touched on gender identity in an interesting way. They introduced a creature that was both male and female and could go between the two, and the dialogue really focused on how both genders were really intrinsic to this person’s identity. Spoilers: there’s a part where

He looks like Juliette Lewis there!

Analog dick pics! OMG

My wife once got an actual photograph of some guy’s boner slid under the apartment door. She and her roommate figured it was the creepy morning doorman of their building. She kept it because it was so comically large. Years later, I was trying to find a pen and I stumbled across it and she told me the story. This was

Genitalia is better.

I mainly just wanted an excuse to say the word genitals. Which is a great word.

The problem is, I couldn’t see how anything in my annual exam would have prevented that. I specifically went in and scheduled an appointment to get my pills rejiggered when they were giving me stomach problems - but my GYN doesn’t do bloodwork. I mentioned my mom got sick on birth control pills when she started them,

Donald being pantsless is disturbing. He wears a shirt, but he has no pants! He’s like the Fernwood Flasher.



Why does Goofy, a dog, can wear pants....why does Pluto, also a dog, not?

Where are Donald’s pants?

Just what are they trying to pull here, anyways?!

The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.

Considering there are women who think that, then the odds are 100%.

How much money do we want to bet that Trump thinks ladies pee out of their bajingos?