ninja wolf

I like Danny. He is new to life. All he knows about the real world is his dad’s fancy takeout. He overresponds in unnecessary ways because he’s been indoctrinated into a twisted morality underpinned by Buddhism.

No, she’s saying any allegation of rape without cold, hard proof is defamation because her disgusting boyfriend has been accused of rape.

I feel involuntary empathy too.

Thanks for that info. I was curious too, having heard the same kind of statistics.

I think it was the left cutting its teeth for a boycott movement that has been very successful.

Your personal social media, maybe does not undergo so much scrutiny. Corporations, government, branches and nonprofits all know how important it is to hit the right mark (research and spellceck) because mistakes go viral so quickly. There is no excuse for this.

Unlikely. The Department of Education pre-Trump would not have hired someone this careless to do a job that is actually pretty important as it represents us internationally.

It wouldnt be an external marketing company issuing tweets. It would probably be a staffer (or an intern) who was hired specifically for that purpose and they should be fired. They need more extreme vetting.

What you are saying is refuted by basic epistimological philosophy. If I stood here and said I am Batman, I’m either delusional or a liar. If I write a story in which I cast the main character as Batman, well I’d probably get sued but it isn’t a lie, even if the words I write are factually inaccurate.

I don’t believe you are actually stupid enough to mean that. Ffs.

Sorry, that’s actually a lie.

Could this actually work for good? Do we just need to show up every time she tries to “work.” Eight at a time. It’s doable!

Most of us did not.

Fictional stories are not true per se but they are not lies either. You’re telling me Chinua Achebe or hell William Shakespeare lied to us? No. That’s ridiculous. They created stories that were not documentaries or non-fiction but we’re meant to illuminate greater truths about man and the universe, etc even history

I want to like this but can’t out of principle.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure he was left in the dark on purpose.

Um no. Stories are not lies, they are made up but not passed of as truth: everything LeGuin just said in that article you are commenting on.

And trust me I bullshitted last week AND tried to bullshit last week.

It’s petty but when you have an administration that wants to undermine the essence of truth and our ability to call something a fact, when that thing itself is petty, sometimes you have to get down on that level. Before it escalates.

Sounding like a scientist is not the same thing as actually being one. Trust me, I’m a philosopher.