ninja wolf

Wait, you think when shit hits the fan members of racial minorities are going to murder the Palins?

As if the Palin clan has ever cared about less racial strife, or any strife at all. Their bread and butter is shit stirring.

Nothing against your comment in particular, but I miss the days when Jez discouraged talking about specific numbers. Now there will be a million comments about whether x height and x weight is really “fat.” Numbers tend to derail the discussion.

I got rid of mine completely. Replaced with drought resistant plants, drip irrigation and mulch. Looks great.

Probably the one of the wisest statements about leadership - and the most challenging.

The synagogue where I converted used “He” and “She” interchangeably when referring to God. The synagogue I go to now just uses some kind of gender-neutral situation like “One” and refers to “the Parent of us all.” Pretty neat.

Don’t you think it’s kind of fucking sad the only reason she’d whoop up on her son for having a mask on in the middle of a riot was to protect him from the police?

Well, actually, now you’ve convinced me she is a hero.

Can we focus on the police violence against these kids, actually?

I like the cut of your jib.

“The principal told Love that it wasn’t anything personal”

2939 Renwick St, Monroe, LA 71201 (318) 387-8441

Well I guess that answers the question "who listens to this crap???"

What you're getting from me is that I feel antipathy to women of color's issues? Are you sure you're not projecting something that's more about you than me? Perhaps I didn't say it clearly, but I was happy to see Steinem's embrace of women of color. I was saying simply that it's better later than never.

Ok. I'll continue to root for feminism as I understand it — the attempt to better women's situation. Women everywhere. Especially women experiencing violence, like in the place I come from. I need Steinem on this, and everyone else who wants to, even if they woke up to this position yesterday instead of 30 years ago.

I'm assuming it's something so awful it should disqualify me from calling myself a feminist, right?

I just think that you should stop pretending to care about women of color and stop using them as props to push your own misogynistic agenda.

The animus between white feminists and woman of color feminists only benefits white men. I don't care when a person "gets with the program" as long as they do. That's how you build a movement. Sure they could have, and should have, helped you in your struggle 10, 30, 50 years ago. The good news is that they are