Yeah, #TeamMonkey on this one.
Yeah, #TeamMonkey on this one.
Just associate it with voting, young people seem to hate that!
"Sex is an icky, nasty thing that should only happen between an married man and a married woman"
I don't understand the pearl clutching about social justice
If teenagers insist on having sex, let's make sure they feel guilty and ashamed and have issues (or unwanted children) which will ruin sex for them forever. That'll learn 'em!
"Rights" are not things in the world the way that rocks and trees and birds are. For a "Right" to be said to exist, it must be recognized by some governing body or authority that is prepared to defend that right on your behalf as a policy matter
Not what I said at all. I said that humans have a right to move to another country and not have it turned into a Kafkaesque nightmare that takes 10 years to untangle.
Agreed, but I think the title is unnecessarily inflammatory.
I watched that episode long before I knew Bill Cosby was a rapist and I thought the joke was that Tracy has issues with everyone in Hollywood, even the most beloved and legendary and ostensibly wholesome people. Knowing what I know now, I'm sure the reference was intentional. I wish they'd taken it further, but even…
A phrase Ms. Montenegro needs to use more often. Her vagina will thank her.
What were you most thankful for this Thanksgiving? If you live in Kansas, it might have been Google. If you're a…
first of all, I am a rape victim so anyone who wants to call me an MRA can fuck off.
I was just thinking about this as a woman. However, if this was a woman actress, and told the audience, come in and "do whatever you want to me" is there any doubt that she would, at minimum, have hands all over her body?
Right! When I played with dolls, it wasn't "passive". There were plotlines. There were adventures. My favorite Barbie was actually my ugliest one. I named her Misery and she was a fully flushed out character.
This is incredibly satisfying. Nothing is more wonderful than the idea of misogynists having to admit their misogyny to the one woman who they think is somehow different. It's a beautiful thing.
My friend was sexually assaulted at a college party one night, so her boyfriend found the guy's home phone number and called his mother in the middle of dinner to tell him what he had done.
You had never seen a person repent so fast before.
Brilliant. That is all. :)
I read My Sister's Keeper as a teenager and I think that was a good time to read it, before I was old and cynical enough to roll my eyes at the needlessly inserted romance and cop-out ending.
Jodi Picault's books are pretty much at the same level as Nicholas Sparks'- both write cheesy, airport book-stand novels.