It's possible to love someone deeply, and yet not want to put up with their (most likely unchanging, if addiction related) bullshit for all eternity.
It's possible to love someone deeply, and yet not want to put up with their (most likely unchanging, if addiction related) bullshit for all eternity.
"[Women] had equality," Delouis says about the 1950s, before Supreme Court cases legalized contraception and abortion. "But they had to be obedient to their husbands. That's where equality comes: where the mother stayed home and raised the children in God's light, and the husband worked, and everything was great.…
If this pisses you off, and you wish you could do something about it, YOU CAN. Go to Planned Parenthood right now and drop a little money in their bucket. Even if it's just $5. You can make a difference in the world. Go on. Show PP some righteous love. Be one of the people who help fight the darkness.
Hey Evelyn:
Monday's episode of The View was an excellent representation of the old adage, If you don't have something smart to say, shut the fuck up.
Sorry, but when you use the phrase "real women" as a way to refer to "average women", you're just as guilty as the people who hold up models as an ideal of beauty. If you need to denigrate a group of women as "not real" versus another group, then you're missing the point.
I'm pretty sure that if you've been a vegetarian for more than 30 years, you can come up with more examples of 'live and let live' veggies than you can those proselytizing ones.
Can you imagine a conversation where Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston imitate each other back and forth until they forget which is their own voice?
They're not "fish", they're "sea kitties" (at least according to PETA).
Now charge someone $150 to watch you catch, kill and prepare that fish. Suddenly, it sounds weird.
The goofy thing for me is that if he wants to stop people eating meat, targeting an ethical family farm isn't exactly the best way to do it. Most Americans would look at Suzie's Farm's business practices and go "yeah, sounds totally reasonable."
I don't know, does the FDA have inspectors who can watch over the process of you butchering the animal in front of everyone? If they do, I know one thing for sure: booking bands for bar mitzvahs and weddings is so last year.
Why can't people just fucking have an adult conversation about marriage instead of making into an ordeal of publicly humiliating your girlfriend in an attempt to make a viral video? If you are worried she might say 'no' unless you coerce her in a public forum, you shouldn't get married (to anyone, ever). If you find…
As a man, you get to ignore being gendered because no one is systemically discriminating against you for associations of your gender, no matter how micro the aggression might seem. Even seemingly positive associations ("Women are more caring") lead to discrimination (nurses and teachers being paid low wages in…
mansplaining ftw
Men don't, because you likely haven't been discriminated against historically, interpersonally, and systematically for your gender and gendered role as a parent.
hipsters, usually.
It is hardly shocking anymore that some women have mixed feelings about motherhood. Blogs, books, TV shows, and…
Thank you, Mark.
I've worked with animals my whole career and this is what I tell people who are struggling with whether to put an animal to sleep: It's a gift to offer euthanasia to our pets when they are suffering or have a poor quality of life. Pets are not capable of understanding why they are in pain, or why they must undergo a…