ninja wolf

I just want to see how ridiculous Fox News will get with this War on XMas (it's XMas, not Christmas). Their anger is sooo delicious....

Number 2 should be 1. Bolded and capitalised.

I mean, I wouldn't know anything about staying home listening to The Smiths because some dude didn't like me back and/or sleeping with his less attractive friend in a stupid attempt to get him to notice me. No, not at all...

Actually, if they use the term friendzone, I don't even want them in my friendzone. They can fuck right off.

Nothing makes me want to friendzone a guy more than a guy complaining about being friendzoned. Also, it's too bad a fedora isn't included in that list of things to buy

This friend zone, MRA horseshit gives me a headache. Someone doesn't like you back? Who gives a shit? Go eat some Ben & Jerry's and watch some Sense and Sensibility and get over it; I know zero women, including myself, who disparaged some dude because he didn't like us back. Men are such entitled shits...I can't

They're nice boobs.

Literally all of the outfits look better on Katie and Kathleen. Especially Kanye's.

I immediately called my sister. Halloween here we come! lol

This girl NAILED his facial expressions.

Men get very angry when you challenge their entitlement to do whatever the fuck they want.

I always thought Sondra Huxtable was hotter than Claire. She had a nice, pleasant voice as well.

So ready for dudes to realize that "Hey ladies, I'd fuck you!" is not actually the panacea they think it is.

Let's just get the obvious out of the way and say "this would've been more believable if she claimed she was simply a confused Methodist."

I hope you get your ice cream truck! Have you considered crowdfunding? I think people feel a strong attachment to the idea of ice cream trucks (I haven't even seen one in years and yet just the phrase "ice cream truck" itself feels my heart with joy) and would be happy to contribute. You write well so I think you'd

The fact that he's advocating anything that would allow women to operate from a position of strength is what's blowing my mind, here. Paternalism aside, I just expected (from previous comments) that his essential advice would be "find a man, give him his freedom, no fatties, more blow jobs, and shut up".

Most of us will never find that thing that makes the money. Several of us are not even particularly good at anything. I'm one of those people. I have and have had assorted jobs. I've always worked, but no, I haven't found my calling that brought me great financial security. I live paycheck to paycheck. That is how

Okay this part I agree with, though—

If you don't swear at your pets at home, they're just going to learn those words on the street.