ninja wolf

She isn't misunderstood. At this point, most people understand her quite well as a troubled person who has faced her own struggles with eating disorders and body image and who now turns that self-loathing outward. Her actions originally irritated me, but now they just make me feel a bit sorry for her. That kind of

"If I can do it, you can do it," is a problematic thing to say under any circumstances. It's so arrogant. People have different motivations, priorities, skills, personalities and experiences. Get over yourself. Other people are not you, and - hard to believe, I know - may not even want to be.

North Carolina:

They always are it seems. That's what gets me. Whenever someone says "You're the smartest girl I've met." I usually say "Then you need to get out more." What the hell.

And then it's like, is that supposed to be a compliment? A backhanded one perhaps. You're pretty, but you don't look smart!

Every horrible intellectual man I've ever dated was a libertarian. It's exhausting to try to have any conversation that doesn't go back to how the free market works.