She's doing a sad ass version of devil's horns. Weak!
She's doing a sad ass version of devil's horns. Weak!
I like the graph though. Visuals are always helpful
Yeah, but no. You need food to live. You don't need cigarettes. People's bodies are primed to deposit and reserve fat differently. Much of this is hormonal. Some of it is uncontrollable. Cardiovascular health? Totes important. Eating enough fiber, also a good idea. But you can't equate fatness and smoking, they are…
Her struggle with bulimia is clearly ongoing. Hers is the behavior of someone with an eating disorder. The over-exercising, the equating one's intrinsic value to body weight and the lack of consideration of hard work in any other part of life as worthy...she's still bulimic.
I think the characters in OITNB are interesting. Most of them more so than Piper. What I do like about the focus on Piper is how it does showcase white privilege, particularly that of pretty little WASPs from "good backgrounds." It's an interesting comparison with Nikki, who comes from a similar background but who is…
Tastycake is way better than Hostess. Just sayin.
seriously. and you know itc's bad when daleks self-exterminate.
The best dressed prof I ever had was a Kant scholar. No joke. (There has to be a joke in there somewhere). She was also the smartest.
Asperger's Syndrome is not a mental illness it's a neurological disease. The difference may seem semantic but it's not. When a person with Asberger's shoots up a kindergarten class people start pointing fingers at the mentally ill and it does no justice to either. Asberger's patients do not tend to be violent but they…
sever, not severe. great article!
Obviously many commenters covered the whole gluten sensitivity issue which plagues a much higher percentage of the population than Celiac. I ate no gluten for about a year and then decided "to hell with it" and started with the beer and the bread. Both my brother and mother tested positive for Celiac markers. I have…
Try the following cuisine: Japanese, Thai, Chinese, Indian (although you do have to check and skip the Tandoori), Ethiopian. I have a casein allergy. There is no pill for it and I get more than a mild stomach ache from eating dairy-containing things. I know vegan things can seem creepy but there are a lot of recipes…
Sure, it's like Milli and Vanilli all wrapped in one. I am all for truth in art but no one can deny this was pomp and circumstance—political theater. That's sort of the point. Anyway, it seems like she sang live to a backing track. I don't think that's a huge deal. Who wants to mess up the inauguration with a failed…
Srsly. Has this person read comment threads lately. About a third of Americans are racist a-holes who like to bandy the N word when referring to the President. Political leverage.
Yes, if it forces you into one half of a racial binary that isn't appropriate because you have half of both or some of many. Also, there are people of mixed race who want to identify with the non-Caucasian part for a variety of reasons. Plenty of Americans cling desperately to that great-great grandfather who was half…
That explains why Liz Lemon is always talking about herself as if she were frumpy and overweight. That's funny, actually.
hilarious. i just choked on my tangelo.
I feel your pain, lady! I had pretty bad acne as a tween but even into adulthood I have cystic acne that persists. Sometimes it flares up. Usually it's just flesh colored and bumpy. Foundation is my friend.
I use L'Occital. That shit ain't cheap but my skin has been ravaged by genetics so I feel like it's worth it. You might want to try a cream foundation. You can get those in all price ranges. They offer good coverage without the greasy/beady effect.