
Noah’s Bark

I’d feel bad for Noah, because Jones seems committed to kicking his ass. However, he can easily hide from Cardale by taking refuge in one of Ohio State’s many academic buildings.

Pretty bold for a guy playing in the Eastern Conference.

Kenny’s cutting in!

Kinda sucks for him. It’s not like he is going to homer on every single pitch he ever sees. It’s all downhill from there.

I hope the family as the expressed written consent of MLB to replay that video to friends.

The most impressive part of this feat is that of the 4 people filming it, they all had their camera’s oriented correctly.

“LOL ok, he still has the best Austin Rivers impression”

More like Los Angeles Slippers. Boom! G’night, everyone!

Kenny runs to the board for “Kenny’s Pix” where he breaks down game video.

Do you live in East Berlin or something?

Yeah, sometimes we have to order takeout because the sink is too full of dishes to be able to do any cooking.

Every day I tell myself, “I’ll wash my dishes before bed so I don’t end up with a nasty pile at the end of the week”... and every week I have the nasty pile.

That should be Minority Report’s pre-crime, not Mission Impossible’ s.

I wonder if they’ll use standard Revoltech joints that will allow for some... “creative” custom model building.

given the team’s shooting % I would hope he was planning on using a rope.

“I will say my darkest Clipper moment—nobody knew about this—was that I thought about committing suicide at least 10 to 15 times”

That first Marques Johnson—>Bo Kimble transition is dark af.

The links at the bottom are the best part