

Hot Fuzz needs the sequel, not Shaun of the Dead. Hot Fuzz.

As a Clippers fan I am really enjoying the way Griffin is playing and will continue enjoying it until his season-ending injury in a few games.

Breath of the Wild

That’s some Bulls hit.

Thanks to a panel-wide misunderstanding of Asian geography and some nimble betting work, he won.

WTF, no opinion on diagonal staples? So much better, and less chance of tearing.

Trader Joe’s. Trader Joe’s is by far the fucking worst, especially if it’s in a city. Always crowded, a bunch of dipshits picking through ingredients like they’re on Top Chef, and that fucking bell that rings every 30 seconds. I like most of their stuff there but would give up one of my children to never have to shop

This is now the second time in a month that ESPN has fallen on its face while trying to discipline one of its biggest personalities for daring to talk politics on Twitter.

They are just looking for someone more cultured.

brb changing my name to DMC6

I remember one Hulk movie with Sinbad where he was a genie?

I don’t know if my sense of smell is just more sensitive than other people’s or if I just have a neurosis about this, but it blows me away how many people I’ve lived with and/or known who have fucking foul mildew/moldy smelling sponges (or worse, clothes that needed to be washed 2 days ago but are reworn anyway) and

Judging from that hairline he has good knowledge of fucked up clippers.

It’s going to be amazing when they bomb out in the NLDS

Get out.

on the bright side, we should all be dead by then

This is fucking fantastic.

“I once tracked down the author of this guide, Dan Birlew, and asked him how all this happened. He wouldn’t say. (“I do not comment on books/games that old. Please direct your queries to BradyGames.”