

There is nowhere for me to stand in a Trader Joes! No matter where I stop moving, I am in someone’s way. I hate it.

I hope the Blu Ray features the scenes without the mustache edited out!

Whack Like Me

I have that Chun-Li!

Bill Wennington! He even had a McDonalds burger named after him!

I’m kind of dreading the stunts he’s gonna pull for money after his release, buuuuut I would legit watch if he did commentary tracks for American Crime Story or OJ Made in America.

We Love Fine stinks. I ordered a really expensive item as a gift and a cheaper item for me. They emailed me to let me know they actually didn’t have the expensive item and there was no new stock coming. I was stuck paying the high shipping cost just to get my add-on item. Their customer service leaves a lot to be

Breath of Fire III! I am deep into the backlog.

May “Mayday” Parker should be #1!

I’m grinding for Zenny to upgrade the shining laser so I can finally beat Mega Man Legends 2.

I’ve got riddle fever in Arkham Knight! I’ve found/solved just over half, and I wanna knock it out!

This is my absolute favorite game. I’ve been playing it since 2000, and I am still learning and seeing new things. It would be nice to get a new version to play online, but I also need to get out and find places to play in SoCal. I would love to be able to immerse myself in the game in Japan like these dudes!

More like Rashad.....Mc....Cant

Unfrosted Cherry is the best.

Not being able to dye the Wind Waker outfit purple has really bummed me out.

Bahahaha, we enjoyed the Force Awakens and ended up watching the original trilogy. She ended up digging those movies too! She fell asleep in Rogue One, but thought it was ok.

Aw, I really dug the score. I especially loved when the music swelled when they all held hands at the end.

lmao "smaller character piece"

4-Player Power Stone is the absolute best! "OH NO!"