
This is the worst comment of the day. Congratulations.

too bad floyd mayweather can’t read this!!

I’m sorry, I blacked out after “hates dark meat.”

We have memes for that.

I don’t know what you just said but keep talking.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

“I wish I was unbeaten.”

Floyd Mayweather, the Yumbo of human beings.

He’s doing “Cut. It. Out.” all wrong.

Was a Vietnamese guy holding the camera?

You know what was really great about this series? There was no animosity between the two teams, but it was still incredibly beautiful and competitive basketball played. I can’t remember a series like that.

“Ban” is a big word ... it’s possible Mayweather doesn’t know what it means.

I do want to say, for the eight Deadspin commenters who actually dabble in quinoa, making it with chicken stock instead of water makes it taste 500,000 times better. Once you use stock you will never go back.

Because of course a dude named Chester is going to cheat on you.

The Passion of the Christ

This story appeared on my facebook feed with a “Good dolphin” byline. A long time ago, The Score (can’t remember the station number) in Chicago would have Coach Ditka on a few times a week to answer questions from callers. So he’s on one day and a regular caller named, “Dolphin Mike” comes on, and this approximate

Oh, Zod! I don’t know, his powers snapping back and forth like this is kind of a pain in the neck, isn’t it. It’s making my head spin.

Would these be cosmic rays?

I liked how the code name for the Hulkbuster was a reference to the fact that there are pretty much just two ways to get Hulk to change back. One is named Veronica, and the other...

Loved the chemistry between Thor and Cap. Team Überhuman seriously challenges the Science Bros.