
I had a metric shit ton of lego as a kid. Ikea furniture gets me.

Me too! I think it all boils down to my love of puzzles, and my ability to follow instructions. The only conflicts my husband and I have in assembling IKEA furniture is that he wants it to make sense, I insist that following the instructions, even when it seems to make no sense, is the right path. I win.

“We are NOT going to let this table be a metaphor for our relationship. That’s what IKEA wants!”

I don’t know. Did you make sure that one person had a hammer and the other had a pencil behind their ear? Whose fault is it really if you don’t follow all of their instructions properly?

Not an good writer.

IBM’s computer thinks in chocolate and vanilla. Sometimes what it knows is chocolate, sometimes it’s vanilla, sometimes it’s a swirl. Sometimes, though, the swirl melts; then you have to decide if there was more chocolate or more vanilla in that puddle. IBM just hired a fat kid that can tell the difference.

Fuck me, right?

Because no one cares.

I’d give my dick to see Boogie fight Kobe in in a practice video shot in vertical mode.

As a Cavs fan I can say I am completely well balanced about this situation. Also I hope Olynyk gets hit by lightning

4-6 months? He should be back for the ECF.

Imagine how the people working long hours, not getting overtime pay, and getting their necks broken must feel.

“Man, that is in poor taste.”

I really hope they do “Guess today’s attendance”

Even more troubling is that if Pizza Boli’s is closed, I don’t see how any runs will be produced in the stadium today.

Err Jordan?

One of my favorite things about Pop is that the only time I can recall him being nice to another human being was when Craig Sager got cancer. Like, you literally have to get cancer before Pop will treat you with a modicum of social niceties. He’s a colossal prick and I love him for it.

I think the art was the most interesting thing about that book. It’s strange and abstract and weirdly colorful, and it just works for me.

That’s so cheap, I may need to buy one of these on principle.

That’s so cheap, I may need to buy one of these on principle.

Arbys: die full.