
Talking, suit wearing tiger. Let’s not sell him short.

Nice to see Cano is on board with the whole trying to shorten the game thing.

This has to be the most wide open NBA playoffs I can remember.

People like me have existed since the beginning of recorded history. The acknowledgment of our existence after all this time is not *political*. The lives we live and the way we love is not *political*. My act of existence and the acknowledgment of my existence is not *political*. No matter how many people like me

I'd love to know what song that poor fellow was singing.

When straight characters express love/sexuality, it’s normal! When gay characters express love/sexuality, it’s pandering!

I think we've been lulled into treating this as a TV series when it's something new: a thirteen hour drama, with a single narrative. No part works on its own, things are not necessarily resolved in the same "episode", the arc of the characters play across the whole thirteen hours: it's not like a film trilogy where

If that’s how you choose to view it.

Nice to see some diversity in games. I’m sure some people will complain about SJW but who cares, we need more characters beyond the mid 30’s white guy or busty white chick.

Who needs that many pickles?! Clearly that was that woman's first visit to planet earth.

I see what you did there, Japan... Red White and Blue belts and necklines to symbolize that they're the Ahmurrican Rangers. It's for that reason Red's behaving like a Teenager With Attitude.

Fuck Matt Barnes

This example of the "Henrik Maneuver" should only be performed after choking.

I have a feeling an uber-public posting on Jezebel about it will probably be enough to get him to see the error of his ways :)

Quit tauntaun us!

I agree to all of this. I also have an autobot tattoo, so even as a die hard transformers fan, I still thought it was acceptably entertaining and, frankly, had as many shoutouts to the old school cartoon as we were ever likely to get from a Hollywood summer blockbuster film. I didn't know that Casino Royale's

I am not just saying this: I totally agree with you, and in fact defend the first movie to people all the time as well. It's a fun movie, damnit!

One thing is for certain. It smells worse on the inside then on the outside.


Because not everyone knows he's blind and this way he can fool his enemies. There was a great gag in one of the last Waid's Daredevil issues where they talk about when he fought Hawkeye and Hawkeye pulled a flash arrow on him and Matt was at first confused and then he "remembered" he's blind and started overacting