
Huh. I thought Gatorade was produced in a Lab.

I knew I’d seen that shirt somewhere before...

“Who the fuck is Drew Magary?”

Food Network will replay it 10,000 times over the next five years.

He was a late cut.

I’m surprised by how excited I am about reading recaps and watching clips about this tomorrow. I still can’t believe he actually won.

Judging by Drew’s shirt, Chopped must have been filmed immediately after middle school picture day.

Nerdy, deeply unfashionable, falsely modest, yet somehow charming. Succeeded more on grit and determination than pure talent. Congrats to Drew Magary ... on winning the Cardinal Way.

That was not what producers were expecting when they read “writes for GQ” on his application...

Dude! Spoiler alert for rubes in the west.

First unanimous Deadspin HOF inductee: Drew’s Fucked-Up Shirt That He Actually Wore On National Television

To the guy that correctly diagnosed my anal fissure during an “ask the Deadspin staff” session:

Plus you can shove the tortillas up your ass.

Taran Killam's Catherine O'Hara is uncanny

As a Cubs fan I am accustomed to waiting. Usually until next year.

It’s the only time all season the Cubs will be anywhere near number 1.

It's about ethics in disgusting food habits journalism.

Full answer (where are the ethics, Jolie?):

At some point in history my kids got possession of fake dog shit that looks troubling real. They use it often and it has been an April Fool's staple in the past. This morning I went into the bathroom and saw it on the floor, Ha Ha real original guys. It was only after I'd picked it up with my bare hand I realized