
I'd have to dig through my back issues, but I know there was an issue of Hawkeye last year or '13 that was all about some animal avengers, but I think it was animal versions of the Avengers, not the Pet Avengers themselves.

We been spending most our lives, living in an Amish paradise

You give the greatest mutant of them all their own spin-off film.


I never knew how desperately I needed to see a dog try to catch a taco, but now that I have, I'm just so satisfied.

This is an incorrect opinion.

I'm just going to watch this GIF for 40 hrs instead.

Racist? Come on, Samer. This dog doesn't even see color.

I used to work the fry section for Wagamama in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley. In those days, both of the most popular menu items (ie. the most Western-friendly) were from the fry section. Wagamama didn't take reservations, it was all walk-ins. One Wednesday night, four school groups walked in at the same time. On

This guy would've never been so angry if he'd just gone to Bofa.

We public-records searched the dude, and he graduated in 2008. Keep hanging on to that collegiate glory (and university email account), guy!

This could have been so great if given half a chance. Izzard even went on talk shows to try to get people to call NBC so that the series could be picked up beyond the pilot.

Ugh, I have to use words to explain things like a literate person capable of conveying ideas through letters and syntax? Sigh.

My wife and I both loved "Happy Endings" but it didn't survive past the third season. I would say it really hit its stride during season 2, and season 3 was arguably the best but I would've liked to have seen where else it would've gone.

Damn you Whedon. Dollhouse did not deserve to live when it was a straight choice between both shows by the network.


Truth. Punchin Hitler is like winning the street cred lottery.

Cap's been cool since he punched Hitler before the US was even in the war.

imo, the problem is they introduced both Laurel and Iris right off the bat without really having a plan for the characters other than 'love interest'.