
Ouch!! Here's some aloe for that burrrn. But it's ok, ignorance is bliss.

How do you know someone has an Android phone? Don't worry, they'll tell you.

I am also a superior person because of my smartphone purchase!

OH look..another smug Android user. Never seen one of those before /s

Nothing new. Google been doing this for years. Companies playing catchup to Google again.

I like how Apple users are suppose to be the hipsters. Seems like the tables have been turned without the Apple-haters even knowing it.

Wow. That SwiftKey video was absolutely worthless.

Hmmm. A smug Android user? That's a new one /s

He's not responding. Quick... someone feed the hamster that's powering his laptop!!!!!

Nah, Google doesn't sell user data to anyone... they GIVE it away:

Sounds pretty creepy. Perfect for a Google acquisition!!

Who cares if Google Wallet is crap... IT WAS FIRST DAMMIT!!!!! /s

Pretty much this.

Where can one get a shift knob like that?

Where can one get a shift knob like that?

A smug Android user? Never seen one of those before /s

"Face down ass up...."

Ah, Delta. One of the worst airline experiences I've had in my life. 70's inspired seats and upholstery, constantly delayed, rude flight attendants, the list goes on.

Hey now.. enough with your facts. We all know that Android phones don't NEED updates. They run off of FREEDOM, CHOICE and OPEN SOURCE!! And besides, "It's not Google's fault™"

I was in the market for a good desktop vape last year and had the Cloud and SSV as my top two contenders for purchase. Both received really good reviews, but at the end, I purchased the SSV and couldn't be happier. I really couldn't justify the $600+ price tag on the Cloud.. plus a lot of people in vape forums were