
Had the Pax for a bit (before all the e-cig/vape pens got really popular) and found it to be JUST ok. The battery was my biggest concern and was only getting a two good sessions on a full charge). For a fraction of the cost of the Pax, I find that a good vape pen battery in combination with an oil cartridge works 100x

Apple screwing consumers over again by killing another app (remember Final Cut Pro?)

The fuck is "hipster" tech? Your logic doesn't even make any sense. Why are you even commenting? Clearly not an Apple user, don't know the difference between iOS and OSX, not a photographer, didn't read the article ... FUCK IT.. comment anyway and hope that comment makes sense and relevant to article. Apple-haters at

And if the title of this article was, "Ugh Fine, I'm Buying an iWatch", guess how the comment section would turn out?

Exactly. People complain that Apple users prefer form over function. Well...looky here. The same people complaining about the form of this product.

"Android users are more technically advanced compared to iOS users."

But once everyone is on Android, who else can you be smug with?

Google fanboys are the modern day hipster.

Sorry. I forgot how difficult it is to talk to insecure Google sheep.

Pretty sure Google invented icons. I've been using icons for years.

How so?

Google front and center at WWDC I see.

"Hey there! Want to use the new gMessaging? Sign up for Google+ now and connect to many many others that we've automatically created accounts for!"

Android users are the new smug hipsters.

I think you guys forgot to add the word "Finally" in the title of this article, like the other Apple articles from today.

Google invented everything, and everyone is just copying. LOL.

Does the driver have a Google+ account? No???

I think I saw it on Digg..haha. Man, those were the days!

The last picture reminds me of Grand Lake, upstairs.