
Wow, first Google made an iPhone and now they have designed a Surface Hub. Such innovation from Mountain View!

It is amazing to me just how many of these things have been native to Android phones for years. It is weird to see virtually every announcement be about playing catch-up to a competitor.

You sound like you’ve no ideas Alex.

Maybe next time just review the product instead of lamenting how disappointed you are in Apple adding a non-flagship to the iPhone line. Did you cry this much when they launched the iPod mini or iPad mini?

Google hasn’t taken a stand on anything here. We continue to wait.

Google is only speaking up because they’re being pressured to, not because it’s something they believe in.

Except that when it comes to Google the FBI has no issues getting what they need.

I don’t know where you are getting that idea. Nothing in those tweets said Google was siding with Apple.

“Nobody gets our users’ data (except our paying advertisers).” - Google

Because people like them. What more needs saying?

What does the yellow spare tire cover on the HUMVEE say?

Actually if you do a little more research they are. I know it’s hard to admit, but it’s true. Apple has fought hard to keep it’s customers data out of the hand of said, government. There have been many articles indicating this little fight between them and the feds. I am not saying all data. But a lot of stays out of

For uniformity and consistency. Android looks cheap and unrefined to my eye. Without a constrained design aesthetic, things end up looking haphazard.

Why cancel? Apple Music is pretty darn good. At least as good as Pandora and Spotify (used both too) Better? Individual choice I suppose. And Apple radio is the best part too. And $15 bucks a month for me and the family. Two kids who cancelled Spotify at $10 bucks each a month that they paid for and now get Apple

Download/upload whatever they want without waiting very long.

We’re good, keep letting these biased articles stroke your fragile android ego.

annoying to hear everyone pretend that these features are something new.

Cue the obligatory onslaught of Android fanboys that never fail to flood every discussion section of Gizmodo articles featuring any Apple product. Please tell us in the most smug fashion possible why we are intellectually inferior for buying said Apple product that nobody could possibly enjoy or find useful:

Why do android users always have to read and comment negatively on an iPhone post? It boggles my mind. I never read an android post because I'm just not interested, and certainly not enough to comment on the post. Why do you care that someone uses/likes something that you don't?

It’s not that we’re pretending they are something new. We are just appreciating that they are now on a platform that actually works.