
Here’s what I don’t understand. From what I’ve read so far, VW will give TDI owners the Sept. 2015 value of the car. Does this mean I can drive to the moon and back and still get the Sept 2015 value?

Don’t forget they invented the Amazon Echo too

Better than never getting updates on a Google car.

I’m calling it now. It’s going to be named ‘Google Message.’ Google has been following Apple’s naming convention VERY closely and I won’t be surprised at all if they mimic Apple’s iMessage

Team America is a modern day classic IMO.

I hire pro photographers and can tell you I know a lot of people that claim they’re a pro photographer just because they have a nice camera. It takes much more than a nice camera to be a photographer. Glass also plays a major role in taking quality pics. Heck 2 out of three lenses I have cost more than my 5D mark iii

Sticking with Apple Music and won't be renewing my Spotify. But thanks tho

About 40 percent of mobile browsing goes to safari. So I would say yes.

Not sure if this is still the case, but chrome and Google toolbar for IE came bundled with the flash player installer. So yeah

I picture you saying that with a fedora, skinny jeans and a scarf in 80 degree weather. I’m sure I’m not very far off.

That gif is amazing!

No CompactFlash support??

The cool thing about it is every gadget with NFC payments wins if more people are using it and more stores are adopting it, right? Also Apple doesn't make a pink phone, but Android does. Time to put your dick measuring tape away…

I was hoping that this would move me away from Flickr, but the Amazon photo service doesn't have many features and feels very basic for what I need it for. Don't get me wrong, unlimited photo storage is great, just doesn't fit my needs. This might be great for automatic uploads from my phone though.

"Sure, Amazon Prime does not give me the absolute best version of all of these services."

So Google IS a religious cult. I knew it.


People are really reaching now-a-days to hate on anything Apple.

Again, media at it's finest.

Of course this NEVER happens to other phone /s