
LOL!!! Hilarious. You were the one who started the conversation, and now YOU'RE the victim. You're also asking me if I ever tried an Android device, and then state that I'm blindly putting them down? Wow... that's insane. Congrats on that one.

It's ok Android users. You have the upperhand because you have Facebook Home.. lol.

Ahhh.. Like the old days of

LOL!! $2500. What a ripoff. Glad you overpaid for your "gaming rig"


They make money just like their other services. Once you swipe to purchase an item, Google will know what you have purchased, thus knowing your "interests" and where you will be spending money, which in turn will target ads in your direction.

Aaaand.. we're one step closer to this.

Wasn't the Nexus only released 2 years ago? That's still fairly new IMO and Google ended it's life (stopped selling it) a year ago. The iPhone 3GS was released in 2009. Agreed that at some point companies should stop supporting legacy products... but stop after 1 year?!?! Comon!

Granted, I don't have a 5s, but my 5 with iOS7 did need calibration when the Compass app was first opened. Also, I remember my old iPhone4 needed calibration sometimes when using the default Maps app

Wait, so the internet is faster on my laptop then my phone in the same wifi network???? I just updated to iOS7 OTA and didn't need to plug it into my laptop, fire up iTunes and sync it.

Majority of Apple users are able to update when it's release. With Android, Google will announce a new major update, but users will look at their phones and say, "Wait, but what does that mean for me?"

I actually like it more than I thought I would. Seeing the screenshots on the interwebs is much different than actually using the device first hand. I'm still however slowly, slowly getting used to the ugly icons. The only thing so far that bugs me is the 3x3 grid for folders. Why not just make it 3x4? There's

Oh noes!! You better Tweet about that!!! Like pronto.

Yeah! It's not like iPods ever had color before. Nokia invented color! Whaaaaa!!


Them bezels

That's very interesting. So you're saying that EVERYONE is the same? Apple users get EVERY new product that's released? Interesting.

It's interesting that the people who like to believe that people only buy iPhones "because it's fashionable" tend to be the same people who would never buy an iPhone because they're worried how it will affect other people's judgement of them.

Holy shit!! Nokia invented color. My world was black and white, until Nokia came around. Thank you Nokia!

"Those pictures will 99% be better than yours."