
OMG you bought something that fit your preference? How can you like something that I don't like?

It's seriously funny seeing how angry the Apple haters get. Not sure why they get their panties in such a bunch over a company, but it puts a smile on my face.

Yay! Small penises rejoice!

A smug Android user? Never seen one of you before. /s

Oh come on. We're talking about a handful of apps here out of millions.

So hey! CES is this week. Is Giz going to cover this, or are we going to see more random trombone playing videos, and Starbuck drinking teens buying iPhone cases?

She also has two beverages. TWO BEVERAGES?!?!? Crazy teens these days. Maybe a follow up article on what Starbuck drink she bought that day would be nice.

Wow. So you're calling him an idiot because he has a choice and decides not to use Google? And people say Apple users are sheep?

WOW!! I had one of these. What were they called?

Yes. Yes it does. I'm just fine with Apple Maps, but non-Apple people keep insisting that I absolutely NEED Google Maps to get around. You will only be laughed at if you use anything else I learned. "Choice is great" they said, but only if you use Google products.

Dear Google fanboys, this may come to a shock to you all, but Google is a company for profit, just like any other company. Don't be evil.

At the first indication that you're getting sick, drink about 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed in with about a quarter cup of water. Optionally, add honey for taste. Chug it twice a day, usually in the morning, and at night. Works like a charm with me. BTW it has to be labeled with "Mother of Vinegar" I

Streaming TV?? Cool! Now I can reach my monthly data caps in no time! Thanks Comcast.

And this people, is why I don't buy into Android. The users really turn me off and I will not be caught dead being associated with this group.

No need to open up the phone technically. There's a slot on the top of it that allows you to remove the SIM.

So don't buy it?

"While Apple and Amazon will essentially replace sub-par digital tracks with higher-fidelity files that you can download back onto your machines, Google won’t swap out your old files with better-sounding ones for download. "

Oops. Good thing I have an iPhone.

"Winter Cleaning"? If this were any other company, people would be calling the axed services FAILURES. But el Goog's image should be kept perfect, just like all their products.

Of course this will never get the press that Apple Maps did