
Because anyone who likes Apple MUST be a fanboy, and HAS to be on Apple's payroll..amirite?

Something something Apple Maps something

It's not the car, it's the driver.

Stupid Apple and their services!!!!!!! Why can't they.... Oh... this is about Google?? I'm sure they'll figure it out.

Last week, the flight attendant asked me to put my seat in the upright position during landing... I left it a few inches reclined. #rebel

Swipe all the way to the left until you hit the search field. Type in "FR" to find your "Frank" and call. The more you know* Also, specs don't mean anything if your OS isn't optimized. My older iPhone4s runs like butter, while my Android devices, with BETTER specs are laggy as hell.

Do PC users only game on their "rig". All the Windows PC users I know are the "hardcore PC gamer" types who boast about their specs and FPS, and call their computers "rigs"

I'm in the same boat. Maps has worked great from the start for me. I've had a number of non iPhone users tell me that Maps is "unusable" without even actually used it.

But this article is about iOS

I'm actually pretty excited about this. Mr. Ive's, from what I can tell, "gets it" and really pushes the boundaries of hardware. The faux leather and other textures that are increasingly being introduced in OSX/iOS is a serious eye sore, and almost embarrassing to use. I'm expecting and hoping Mr Ives will give

Hahaha..OMG, that's totally original. How did you ever come up with that?? I'm going to steal that and repeat it over and over and over and over and over again.

And yet it's OK for people to pre order the Windows 8 tablet without having actually used it. When news hit that the preorders of the Win8 tablet, people were jumping for joy, but when the iPad Minis sell out, it's bad news for humanity? Got it.

Yeah.. the guys with white Galaxy S3s look totally ridiculous too don't you think?

Form over function... Fisher Price of an OS...Dumbed down OS for simple minds?? Sounds awfully familiar.

Lol.. nice!

Funny how sensitive Android users are. I own an iPhone, and have been called "a f*ggot, idiot, gay fanboy" you name it, just for mentioning that I use a device that I particularly like using.

Funny, but that guy was WAY too mature to be an Android user.

I call these people parrots. Why? Because they repeat what people are saying, coming up with nothing original to say.

Haters really seem to have horrible memory. Google I/O anyone? Kindle?