
I'm aware of the hybrid drives that are physically one drive. But is there something out there that combines a separate SSD and separate HDD as a single volume and is smart enough to move things around depending on usage? I seriously haven't seen something like this and would like to know.

When it comes to Android, choice is good. But when Apple offers choice, it's stupid. Logic noted.

Whoa whoa whoa... I'm sure this is somehow Apple's fault. I've also been told by Android users that if you get a virus or malware, it's your own fault and you're an "idiot"

"True consumers want the freedom to do what they want, when they want..."

Something...something... Apple Maps... something...

...and then Samsung and Google will be taking notes and develop something new years AFTER Apple, and the same people mocking Apple will be cheering for Samsung and Google. Sounds about right.

Ah, the M$ fanboy. Touting that a M$ product is the best when no one has actually even used it yet. Courier anyone?

So much "HATE" for a I feel sorry for you. I'll carry on with my day using what I like using....but hey.... keep fighting the good fight. I'm sure Team Google will win everything one of these days and will be the only tech company in existence, and you and all your team Google will take the streets

Here's a trophy for the most hilarious, sad, and retarded thing I read all day.

Smaller screen and lesser specs? This won't go well with the Android dick measuring contest.

You think this is bad??? Head over to Engadget for a few minutes.

I'm curious to know what computer you're using as well. I'm looking for something that's 100% made in the US. Also, what TV and other electronics. How about shoes??

If I add another person onto my unlimited AT&T plan, will that kill my plan and kick me into the current AT&T plans?

Aww.. You mad bro?

I don't get this new commenting system.

These comments always annoy me. If you have to ask, it's not for you.

Wow.. If this was an Apple article, you can bet on someone saying "I wonder how much Giz is getting paid to write this?" And something about being on Apple's payroll. But this about MS, so it's ok.

And yet it's funny how no one is flaming him, and/or Giz for having so many MS articles on the homepage. Where's the outrage? Having any more than two Apple articles on the homepage is an automatic outrage, turning haters into little schoolgirls.... just sayin'.

Please re-read my comment and then your comment, again, but slowly, possibly out loud, and making sure you use your finger so that you don't lose your place. And you're calling me blind, delusional, and stupid?

Blind or delusional? Really... I give you this link. Nice try though. Maybe next time eh?