
Cool story bro.

Soooo.. let me get this straight. Apple got tons of heat for the tablet ("It's just a big phone!! BWAHAH!! Anyone using this in public is a douche!!) And the netbook got tons of heat for being impractical and marginally expensive.

"I didn't know Google invented glasses, or round shape. I've been using these since the 1970's"

Laptop Mag, Slashgear, Time, NY Times, The Verge, ABC News, and Engadget MUST be on Apple's payroll...AMIRIGHT???

As long as haters are clicking and commenting, Giz will post Apple articles. Same goes for Android. But of course Android users are more likely to click and comment on Apple articles... so there you go.

A lot of haters don't know this, but there's also a non retina display MBP as well, with optical drive and easily replaceable RAM and HDD.

I like the "Made from USA" computer you're typing on. Who makes it again?

Um.. this is nothing new. Happens every time. People buy on rumor, and sell on news day.

Yup. Apple said it themselves that they invented magnets.

"Choice is great... except when it challenges Google"

Android users talk about choice a lot, but when it challenges the all mighty Google, choice is a bad thing. Wow.

I have a mind of my own and will try out Apple's offering on maps before making a decision.

I've only see the haters saying this.

I like how the haters make things up in their head, and then get upset at what they just made up.

"I can already do this with my Android phone"

"Competition is great for the consumers" but once Apple gets involved, all the haters turn to little schoolgirls.

I read somewhere that Apple does in fact do this to see who is leaking what.

I stopped reading after the first sentence.

Whatever. Android users tell me there's no such thing.