
@Omnislip: Right. And what would you do with those 4 parts sitting on your desk?

Everyone wants Flash on their phone. But when the option is given to them, they hate it. Almost reminds me of this...

Blah blah blah not surprised blah blah blah overpriced blah blah blah isheep will buy anything Apple blah blah blah......

"No, Android does not send your location data anywhere"

Well, I guess you're going to be using Windows 7 Phone or Web OS because Google collects data as well.

It IS a tough decision!! HMMMM.. So Google is tracking your location as well

@jglavin: Ahh.. this brings back memories of the antennae issues of the iPhone.

@Duffin: So you don't think Google is tracking you? Really...

@Elliuotatar: You're concerned about Apple tracking you so you're next phone will be an Android? Which is made by Google? Which sole purpose is to serve targeted ads to you?

@m1ndtr1p: "Apple is just jealous..."

@quillaja: How else are they suppose to design a phone right?

@thenewperson: I think you should read past the headline. You'll find your answer there.

@KamiKazeKenji: It's all about the photographer, not the equipment. Get over yourself n00b.

@PinballFan: Yes, "we" can use Harmony remotes, but for the people coming over your house good luck. Every-fucking-time someone comes over, I have to go through the 5 minute process on how to play a DVD.

"...and expects to stay up since there's no mention of the NYT"

But..but.. open source...

ZOMG!!! It's just an oversized Android phone!!!! No Flash!!! Seriously.. where's the outrage? When the first iPad came out, it was the laughing stock of Gizmodo and all other tech blogs.

Oh you trolls are hilarious. Leave something out, and you complain... put something in, you complain. It all sounds like a bunch of 12 year olds girls in here. Yes, you!!