
Holy cow!! I MUST be in luck, because my iPhone 4, along with EVERYONE else i know with one, has not had a problem with dropped calls.

@WidescreenJohn: Where are all these so-called arrogant Apple fanboys? All I see are a bunch of butt hurt Apple haters.

@HumanAbyss: Android articles have pretty tame comments. Once an Apple one comes around, look out... all the cry babies come flocking.

@T-800: I think everyone did.. ;-)

@NuevoLeon: O rly?! Didn't know there were fewer Mac users than Linux users. Thanks for the insight.

Hmm.. seemed to work ok, but my phone still says it's on 4.1 Do I have to update my phone to 4.2 first and then apply the jailbreak?

@vintage: Why is that version bigger than the download from GreenPois0n's website?

@macpatrik: You guys are stupid. Google can do no wrong.

@ilfn143: Congrats. Welcome to 2011 Android. The iPhone has been doing it for years.

Wait. So this is just a big Android phone? Where's the outrage???? Rawrrr.. I'm sooo angry... I'm going to post on every android tablet article and voice my fury!!!!!

@ddmeightball: The JooJoo seems to have pretty solid specs too. I wonder how that's doing.

@JimmyBanks: I like how all the apologists thinks it's ok to copy Apple, but when Bing launched, all hell broke loose... "OMG THEY'RE COPYING GOOGLE.. GOOGLE FTW!!11111"

What will they think up next?? FaceTime for Windows 7???

@Jimbo Collins: I know right.. all those poor souls using Safari and can't view flash